Spiderman Agama

  • Common Group Agamidae family
  • Common Name Spiderman Agama
  • Scientific Name Agama Mwanzae
  • Distribution Area Sub Saharan Africa
  • Size 6-9 inch

Natural History

Agama species are widely spread throughout areas of Africa. Agamas are most often found in semi -dessert or scrubland environments. The Spiderman agama is relatively new in the U.S. pet trade and is proving to be very popular due to its intense red and blue coloration and overly active personality.

Size and Longevity

Spiderman agamas reach an average length of 6 - 9 inches with females usually being smaller. Agama species have been known to be kept in captivity for as long as fifteen years if housed and maintained properly.


Here at LLLReptile we house Spiderman agamas in groups of 1.3 and during breeding season we introduce a second male to see if a roll of dominance helps with the captive breeding of this species .It seems that the dominant male will color up intensely and to us this interaction seems to help stimulate breeding. We house agamas in a glass terrarium measuring 36 x 18 x 18.We use lots of branches for climbing and basking as well as cork hollows to escape from the heat and for hiding spaces .Chipped aspen or a sand substrate seem to work best for ground cover.

Recommended Products for this animal- ZOO MED Repti sand or a wood chip substrate for bedding. ZOO MED cork hollows and sandblasted grape wood pieces for climbing and basking .ZOO MED analog thermometer to measure temperatures. Use a heavy water dish that can not be flipped over by your agamas.

Heating & Lighting

Here at LLLReptile we keep our Agamas between 100 and 115 degrees. We use ZOO MED 100 watt powersun bulbs as a source of heat and uvb. Additional lighting can be used to illuminate the cage and create a brighter light intensity that seems to be helpful to this dessert dwelling reptile.

Water and Humidity

Provide a clean shallow water bowl at all times. Although considered a dessert animal we have found that my Spiderman Agamas drink an unusual amount of water in comparison to other dessert lizards I have worked with. We mist our enclosure each morning simulating morning dew allowing the agamas to lap up water off the glass enclosure and cage furnishings.


Feed a wide variety of insects including crickets mealworms and roaches .Dust insects several times a week with a calcium and multivitamin. We use rep cal calcium w d3 and rep cal herptavite as supplements. Make sure to feed your crickets a high quality cricket feed such as nature zones cricket total bites to ensure proper gut loading of your insects. We have also offered our agamas greens dandelion leaf and ZOO MED fruit mix INS with success s well.


Due to the fact that these are extremely quick lizards only minimal handling is recommended. Use caution when cleaning the cage to prevent animals from escaping!! They are fast!!!


Like most agama species the males are vividly colored with reds blues and violets giving this amazing creature its common name. Females are usually smaller and not as vibrantly colored which make it difficult to determine from other species of female agamas.


Not much information has been found on the breeding of this lizard in captivity. We have females that are gravid at this time. LLLReptile will add more information to this care sheet as we learn more about this interesting super hero of a lizard!!!!