Snake Books
Here you will find a comprehensive collection of books covering not only individual species, but general care and breeding references as well.
- $6.59 each
Size: 88 pages
By: Philippe de Vosjoli, Roger Klingenberg, DVM, David Barker, Tracy Barker
- $6.59 each
Size: 80 pages
By: Philippe de Vosjoli and Roger Kilingenberg, D.V.M
- $6.99 each
Size: 127 pages
This book provides essential information on every variety of milksnake, plus instructions on long-term care and maintenance. Milksnakes includes information on housing, selection, diet, breeding, health, and much more.
- $15.99 each
Size: 144 pages
Lots of photos. By Bill Branch
- $16.99 each
Size: 193 pages softback
By John Cann. Tells the colourful and often tragic story of the men and women who brought large crowds to fairgrounds to watch them handle dangerous snakes!
- $19.95 each
Size: 96 pages
By Brian Hubbs & Brendan O'Connor. Color photos of all native species and tons of great info!
- $69.99 each
Size: 160 pages. Hard cover
By Patrick David and Gernot Vogel. Text in both English & German. This volume covers the venomous snakes of Europe, ranging into Western, Northern and Central Asia.
- $29.99 each
Size: 307 pages Soft cover
Over 300 pages packed with details of natural history, identification, venom toxicity, and more! Over 200 breathtaking photographs, maps, and images. Detailed accounts and range maps for each species and subspecies found in the US and Canada
- $29.99 each
Size: 160 Pages
By Mark O'Shea. Explores the secret world of venomous snakes and contains thrilling details of O'Shea's own encounters with snakes
- $19.99 each
Size: 144 pages. paperback
by David Gower, Katherine Garrett and Peter Stafford. A comprehensive introduction to the biology and natural history of snakes.
- $54.99 each
Size: 250 pages - hardcover
The Complete Children's Python: A Comprehensive Guide to the Natural History, Care and Breeding of Antaresia species is the newest addition to "The Complete..." series of books from Eco in the USA.
- $54.99 each
Size: 317 pages. Hardcover
By Greg Maxwell. In The More Complete Chondro, internationally known "chondro" breeder Greg Maxwell provides a through reference about this beautiful and challenging species.
- $54.99 each
Size: 291 pages
By Dusty Rhoads, A Comprehensive Guide to the Natural History, Care, and Breeding of the Trans-Pecos Ratsnake
- $39.95 each
Size: 251 pages
By Warren Treacher. Contents include Morphology, Taxonomy, Natural History, North American Breeding History, Rufescens, Husbandry, Breeding, Genetics, Health Issues, Additional Sandboa Species and Morph Gallery. Softcover.
- $45.00 each
Species: TCB-Ven
By Lawrence L. C. Jones. Venomous Animals of North America is the first comprehensive accounting of these fascinating animals of land and sea, from the United States, Canada, and American territories.