Complete Cage Packages
These packages come complete with everything you need to get started. Choose one that suits your needs, and then customize it with our wide selection of cage accessories and decorations.
- $199.99 each
Size: 18 x 18 x 36" Cage
Includes an 18x18x36" Zoo Med Screen Cage, Zoo Med Mini Deep Dome Lamp, 100wt Zoo Med Powersun Bulb, 2 packs 72" Vines, Small Jungle Vines, Rep Cal Calcium, Spray Bottle, Chameleon Care Book, High Range Thermometer. **PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING**
- $379.99 each
Size: 24 x 36 x 12" Tortoise House
Watch the video inside to see exactly how this incredible setup looks when completed!
- $79.99 each
Size: 16 x 16 x 20" Screen Cage
**PRICE INCLUDES THE SHIPPING CHARGES** Everything you need to set up a crested gecko!
- $89.99 each
Size: 20 x 10 x 6"
Package includes: 20 x 10 x 6" terrarium with sliding screen lid that locks, 4 quarts bedding, thermometer, mini heat lamp, 40 watt heat bulb, small water bowl and a small hiding space! **INCLUDES SHIPPING CHARGE**
- $299.99 each
Size: 18 x 18 x 18" terrarium
Easily create your own bioactive terrarium with a dual ventilation system and built-in water drain! Includes substrate mesh, bio drain draining substrate, terrarium with drain, substratum, terrasky LED light, and dual layer leaf litter substrate!
- $299.99 each
Size: Tub is 40 x 22 x 16"
Ideal complete setup including everything you need to get a beautiful, natural turtle environment!
- $159.99 each
Size: 30 x 12 x 12 Terrarium
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal Juvenile Bearded Dragon starter kit with everything you need including terrarium, lighting, heat, bedding, vitamins, book & tons more!
- $179.99 each
Size: 30 x 12 x 12" terrarium
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal Leopard Gecko setup including terrarium, bedding, bowl, heat lamp, hide, thermometer, vitamins, water conditioner!
- $179.99 each
Size: 30 x 12 x 12 Aquarium
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal aquatic turtle starter kit that includes all lighting, food, turtle dock, filter, book, thermometer and tons more!
- $209.99 each
Size: 36 x 18 x 18" 40 gallon terrarium
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal snake starter kit that includes terrarium, bedding, heat pad, heat lamp, hiding spot, decor and more!
- $199.99 each
Size: 36 x 18 x 18 Terrarium
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal Bearded Dragon starter kit with everything you need including terrarium, lighting, heat, bedding, vitamins, book & tons more!
- $229.99 each
Size: 36 x 18 x 18" Terrarium
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal kit for aquatic turtles including terrarium, water conditioner, book, turtle dock, lighting, heat and more!
- $199.99 each
Size: 36 x 18 x 18" Terrarium
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal Tortoise setup that includes a 40 gallon terrarium, lamps, bulbs, bedding, food, vitamins and tons more!
- $119.99 each
Size: 16 x 16 x 30" ReptiBreeze Screen Cage
Zoo Med quality Starter Kit for all Old World Chameleons. Great starter kit to raise baby Veileds, Panthers & Jacksons up to sub adult size. Also great for the full life of a Side Striped, Pygmy Chameleons, Carpet Chameleons, Rudis and many others!
- $229.99 each
Size: 18 x 18 x 36" Enclosure
This is the ideal kit and includes the 18 x 18 x 36" ReptiBreeze Screen Terrarium, the substrate bottom tray, a T5 HO UVB Lamp with a terrarium hood, a basking spot bulb, a mini deep dome fixture, thermometer & humidity gauge along with foliage & vines!
- $119.99 each
Size: 10 Gallon Terrarium
Ideal Leopard Gecko Package includes 10 gallon terrarium, heat lamp, day and night heat bulbs, vitamins, bedding, thermometer, bowl and more!
- $189.99 each
Size: 12 x 12 x 24" Paludarium
Includes the paludarium, 10 gallon filter, dual deep dome lamp, 5.0 compact UVB bulb, Nano LED 5wt, sphagnum moss, wood decor, paludarium platform, eco earth brick.
- $27.99 each
Size: 8.5”x 8.75”x 11.75”
The perfect bug-sized habitat for spiders, insects, and other invertebrate species. Starter kit includes substrate, décor, and Insect guide to help new keepers get started keeping their favorite creepy-crawly.