Living Vivarium Products
Everything you need to design and construct your own living vivarium! These ecological systems are easy to build, self-contained, and ideal for dart frogs and other small, tropical herps.
- $8.99 each
Size: 2.5 lbs
HydroBalls™ Expanded Clay Terrarium Substrate can be used as a base layer underneath a coconut fiber substrate or other substrates to create an underground water table in a terrarium.
- $3.49 each
Size: 12 x 12"
Non-toxic mesh for use in terrariums above the Zoo Med HydroBalls® or hydroton layer to allow proper water drainage which keeps substrates from mixing and contaminating the water/filtration system.
- $6.99 each
Size: 18 x 18"
Non-toxic mesh for use in terrariums above the Zoo Med HydroBalls® or hydroton layer to allow proper water drainage which keeps substrates from mixing and contaminating the water/filtration system.
- $7.99 each
Size: 80 cubic inches
New Zealand sphagnum moss is the #1 preffered moss for tropical vivariums. Stays humid longer than any other moss, and looks great too!
- $7.99 each
Size: 80 cubic inches
Zoo Med Frog Moss (also called pillow moss) comes back to life and grows in your terrarium under proper conditions. Beautiful, decorative moss ideal for tropical reptiles and amphibians
- $24.99 each
Perfect if you are setting up your own living vivarium. Includes water pump, hydroballs, terramium mesh, plastic tubing and elbow, and instruction book with directions and ideas for use in your terrarium set up.
- $0.99 each
- 10 for $8.99 ($0.90 each)
Size: 1 Foot
1/4" airline tubing for attaching to submersible pumps (i.e Exo Terra Pump) to make waterfalls, streams and water areas in Vivariums.
- $16.99 each
The Repti Flo 200 is perfect for providing circulation in aqua-terrariums, and is also designed for the Exo Terra Waterfalls. Fully submersible, or can operate in very shallow water!
- $5.49 each
Size: 12 x 12"
The Exo Terra Moss Mat is an extremely natural-looking terrarium substrate that can be used for all types of reptiles and amphibians. Soft, hygienic and absorbent, the Exo Terra Moss Mat is easy to use and can be cut to fit any terrarium size.
- $8.49 each
Size: 18 x 18"
The Exo Terra Moss Mat is an extremely natural-looking terrarium substrate that can be used for all types of reptiles and amphibians. Soft, hygienic and absorbent, the Exo Terra Moss Mat is easy to use and can be cut to fit any terrarium size.
- $10.49 each
Size: 24 x 18"
The Exo Terra Moss Mat is an extremely natural-looking terrarium substrate that can be used for all types of reptiles and amphibians. Soft, hygienic and absorbent, the Exo Terra Moss Mat is easy to use and can be cut to fit any terrarium size.
- $8.99 each
Industrial strength magnetic suction cup with interchangeable clips. Never replace your suctions cups again! Includes 6 assorted sizes of nylon clips to hold all types of aquarium accessories like canister filter outlet tubes, aquarium heaters,etc