Baby Veiled Chameleons
QUICK VEILED CHAMELEON CARE TIPS * Tall screen terrariums work best. We carry Zoo Med or Exo Terra brand, and these guys will need the 48" tall as adults. * Lots of foliage. Fake vines work well and we carry lots of options in our catalog. * Basking temps 90 - 95 degrees. Have a good thermometer (or infrared temperature gun) and use a ceramic heat fixture along with a basking bulb (for a 48 inch tall terrarium, the 150 watt basking bulbs work well - either Zoo Med or Exo Terra brands) * UVB - Use either Arcadia 12% High Output or Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 High Output Bulbs * Calcium. Use any brand of calcium with NO D3 every other feeding (usually about 3 times a week). We use Rep Cal, Zoo Med or Repashy Brands. We also use Calcium with D3 a few times a month as well. * Vitamins. We use Zoo Med Reptivite, Rep Cal Herptivite or Repashy once to twice a month.
Size: 3 - 4"
Species: Chamaeleo calyptratus