LLLReptile customer testimonials
I just wanted to tell you guys that I received my baby veiled chameleon yesterday morning in Michigan. He is doing wonderfully, eating, drinking, sleeping and just looks gorgeous. Thanks again for everything!!
Thought you'd like to know that the Russian tortoise I received from you about three weeks ago is still doing just fine--eating as if there were no tomorrow (of course) and showing an amazing amount of personality. She apparently likes attention!
Hi! I wanted to let you know that our Jackson chameleon arrived yesterday morning and he’s doing great! He’s healthy and exploring his new enclosure and has eaten 6 crickets. His horns are nice and straight and he’s in great health. Thank you for the beautiful chameleon!
Just wanted to say I ordered a biak green tree python & when I received it, it exceeded exception and was very pleased with my order. Its acting very healthy, already eating well, and is beautiful. Thank you very much.
Hi my name is cody. I live in Texas and have three bearded dragons and two other lizards as well. I have been buying crickets from petco and PetSmart for years and every time had multiple dead before I even got home. Lllreptile.com shipped me my crickets straight to my front door. All of them were alive and well. I definitely recommend this company for any of your reptiles needs. I had a couple questions about my order and they answered all my questions perfectly and treated me like I was a human and not just someone that bought something over the internet. Extremely professional. Had 100 percent have made me a lifelong customer. Thank you for that.
I just received your (snake)! He is so beautiful! What amazing colors and patterns! My son is so happy with his birthday present. Your prices are great and I like the fact you are in my state so he didn't have far to go. I highly recommend your store(s)!
I got my whip spider yesterday and the animal is happy and healthy! Thank you so much for working with me and being so helpful. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much!
Hello, as you know I bought a male baby veiled chameleon from you guys about a month ago. I just want take a minute to say thank you! The little guy (I named him Leon) is doing great! He is eating his crickets daily, loves to bask in his UVB light and hes very active wondering around his home to drink the water droplets from the leaves. Just thought I'd send a letter of appreciation
I want to thank you so much for the Mexican Black Kingsnake I received a few weeks ago. She is beautiful and absolutely wonderful! You guys went out of your way to get her for me and I am so grateful. She is the fourth animal I have gotten from lll and every animal is great. Thanks again! Until next time!
I Received my baby reticulated python 8-9-18. Well packaged warm and very healthy next day, she's a beauty I'm very happy, I strongly recommend LLL reptiles to anyone, very good and honest company. My baby Reticulated python ate that same night strong and healthy and eating- thank you so much lllreptile I am going to Continue to be a customer in the future and will be ordering my food for her through you guys thanks again- I'm very happy
I picked up my baby brooks king snake 3 days ago and she was packaged well. She arrived in good condition and was not upset at all. She at today and she is a total sweetheart. Communication exceeded my expectations. I ordered on saturday and heard back on sunday which supprised me. The website was well updated and the animals advertised were actually available to purchase. Overall I give 5 stars accross the board and will continue to go thtough lll reptiles. Thank you for your hard work.
Just wanted to say thank you for the three beautiful bark scorpions! They all arrived safe and healthy and are now enjoying a meal and some well deserved r&r! This is the second time I’ve ordered from you guys and as before, the service is top notch, excellent communication and they arrived right on time and healthy! You have a wonderful business you should be proud of!
Hello! I just received the beautiful female jacksons chameleon an hour ago. i let her out of the package outside so she could get some good sunlight, water and bugs to nibble on. she drank and ate immediately. i put her into the enclosure i built and introduced her to her new boyfriend and he immediately started to bob his head to get her attention it was awesome to see.. though she paid him no mind as she wanted to explore her new surroundings. i think they will get along great and hopefully have some babies in a few months. thank you for sending such a magnificent female. I am very happy and so is her new boyfriend.
I received my snake thank you its quite fast looks really nice. Ps thanks for the key holder thingy I'm sure I'll be ordering from y'all again!
Hello, I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with my recent animal orders from you. As always, they are very well packed with great care and every single animal I've ever ordered from you has come alive and well! My two red velvet ants are doing great and are so much fun to watch! My baby three toed box turtle is adorable. Very active, intelligent, and a great eater! My Halloween crab is doing great, as well as my baby savannah monitor and brown anole. Thank-you for your great customer service and quality animals!
Hi LLL Reptile,
The eastern box turtle arrived safe and sound despite our 96/102 degree weather. After a long soaking, he is now in his new home, outside in our turtle pen.
Thanks for extra care in shipping and especially for such a handsome male eastern box turtle.
Just got my baby western hognose snakes today. Very happy with my purchase
Hello, I received my baby Sulcata and Homes Hingeback tortoises this morning I cant get over how amazingly beautiful they are. Thank you sooooo much !!!
Just wanted to say thank you. My animal arrive to my house safe & sound . He looks very healthy! Thank you !!
Thank you for my boa . I don't know his sex but he is far better than I expected .Thank you for your brilliant service, I will use you whenever I can
Honestly, this place is amazing. I bought a pinstripe from here and he is the healthiest ball I could have wished for. They have a huge variety of reptiles (snakes, geckos, monitors, etc), tonnes of supplies (terrariums, bedding, lights) and feeders, live and frozen. They also have the best prices for whatever you're looking for. We've had to get lights from PetSmart, and they're more than just a few dollars more than LLL. Anything you need for your reptile friends, get it here!
I just wanted to thank you my two African fat tailed geckos arrived today. They were in perfect health and they both get along great with the fat tail I already had. I have them in a 40 gallon breeder and once I get it all set up I'll send pictures. Again thank you so much.
Omg thank you all from LLL reptiles I love my little bosc monitor your customer service is amazing and I appreciate all of you I will be doing all my business with you guys.
I purchased a large Ambilobe Panther Chameleon on the 8th, and received him on the 10th like agreed. When he arrived he was full of life, and running around like crazy. I went to feed him and the guy destroyed 30 crickets right before his face turned red. He is a blue stripe beauty. I would buy from this place again.
Just received my two baby Bosc Monitors along with some crickets. Everyone arrived in wonderful condition. The babies are exploring, basking, and eating well. Thank you for my new family members!